Monday, October 29, 2012

I am back and we just had a great show yesterday. I am hoping, with my gabbing, that 5 new members might join us for our November 20th meeting.

Speaking of our meetings, would you like to come to one? See what we do. Come and visit with us?!?! Like I said, our next meeting is the 20th of November. Not sure right now about December. Usually we dress up and go to dinner. This year, we are thinking about everybody bringing something to eat and having a dinner and meeting at World Headquarters. We will not know about this though until Novembers meeting.

Our meetings are held in the cafeteria, entrance of the north side of of Ford World Headquarters, Every third Tuesday of the month. At these meetings we have clinics, show and tell and voting on us traveling to shows. On average we take our module, around Michigan, about five times. We play with our trains and speak to kids and adults about the fun we have. If you have any questions email Edwina or Lenard Pittaway at

On to our show yesterday at The Costic Center in Farmington Hills Michigan. This was Redfords Train O Rama and it was loads of fun!! Here are some pictures......

This is one of our Bruce's. Yes we have two of them. He is cleaning the dirty, dirty track. This makes the wheels run faster.

 This is a look of Mike working on his trains. All day long He was riding my bumper. I would go faster and then I was riding his bumper!  haha
Im not sure, but I think this is Mr. Sund's train. Well at least he was running it all day with the kids. This locomotive talks and the sound of steam is there too!

This is my Dad's train, not the one I was running. He ONLY have Grand Trunk trains.

Thats it for now. Next show is Rails On Wheels, in Saline, on November 25. See you there!!!


Friday, October 26, 2012

Happy Train Day!

Just a quick note. We will be at the Costick Center in Farmington Hills. Michigan on Sunday. This show is from 10am to 4pm and I hope to see you all there.

I'm planing on taking pictures of all of us so you can get to know us better...and maybe join. Of course I will be adding pictures of all our train, and hard work, to show you just what we do.

Until I post again......Lisa